If you are out of work at present then you may find it difficult to find a new job in the current situation. Many people that usually work in offices are trying to work from home and not many office based businesses are looking to take on more staff. It may be that you need to find other work that is in demand at the moment such as delivery drivers or supermarket work etc and then look to apply for your office based role later on in the year.
Office work is one of the most popular jobs especially amongst school leavers as there is often a large amount of these types of roles available and some require little or no experience as training is often done on the job. Working in an office is a great way to get a feel for a workplace and gives you the social aspect of work too. You will often get to liaise with different departments and get to understand how the company works.
With office based roles you often have the opportunity to progress up the career ladder quite quickly if you can prove you are a valuable asset to the company.